Use of Corpora, Language Technology Tools and Data Driven Methods in Human Sciences

Date: 9:00am – 4:00pm, 7 February 2019
Venue: Regional Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen


This event aims to promote the use of software tools (corpora, query tools, analytical software, etc.) and data driven methods among students, teachers and researchers in the field of linguistics and humanities and social sciences.



9:00 Opening Session
9:10 Tamás Váradi: CLARIN & HunCLARIN
9:30 Bálint Sass:  Query in Corpus
10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 Eszter Simon: Historical corpora for Hungarian
11:15 Noémi Vadász: Introduction to e-magyar​
12:13:15 Lunch break
13:15 Tibor Laczkó - György Rákosi: HunGram 2.1 és a HG-2 Treebank – Nyelvtanfejlesztés, implementáció és korpuszépítés
14:00 László Hunyadi – István Szekrényes: The HuComTech corpus
14:45 – 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 Krisztina Fehér: Kindergartners’ attitudes towards phonological variation in regional dialects of Hungarian
15:30 László Ervin Gáspár: A Tag Cloud Generator System for Text Mining
16:00 Closing Session


Pictures of the workshop


Organizing team

Tamás Váradi
Coordinator of HunClarin

Tibor Laczkó
Chairman of the Linguistics Committee of Regional Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen

István Szekrényes
Coordinator of the event


If you plan to organise a similar event

We had a really good experience with using a simple google form for registration. It helped a lot not only to keep track of the audience (of course), but also made it easier to keep in touch with them to inform them about the availabilty of the training materials (slides, posters added to the event page, proceedings, videos, next events).

Adverstising the event at all the major universites and institutes dealing with linguistics in Hungary was a very good choice, as we had quite a few participants from other cities.